Yasmine Beverly Rana
Yasmine Beverly Rana received a 2015 Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and was one of six finalists for the 2015 Francesca Primus Prize for her play The War Zone Is My Bed. Her plays have been developed and performed in the United States and internationally at theaters including Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey, La MaMa Theatre, Halcyon Theatre of Chicago, New Stages Performing Arts Center in the Berkshires, Write-Act Repertory Theatre in Los Angeles, The Looking Glass Theatre, Johns Hopkins University Theatre, Tara Arts Theatre of London, Nora’s Playhouse, and T. Schreiber Studio and Theatre among others. She was a founding member of Nora’s Playhouse. Other honors include a Paulette Goddard Fellowship from New York University and a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship in Playwriting from the Sewanee Writers Conference. She was a finalist for La MaMa Theatre’s inaugural Ellen Stewart Award. She is a recipient of the Paramus Education Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Rana was selected by the Tommy Hilfiger Company and Glamour Magazine as one of four outstanding women of New Jersey to benefit the Women of the Year Malala Fund.