The Seagull Calendar 2023: Original Artworks

Signed, limited-edition digital collages by Sunandini Banerjee
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Each artwork from the 2023 Seagull Calendar, a visual celebration of Tagore’s Gitanjali, is available as a digital print on archival paper, signed by the artist Sunandini Banerjee, in editions of 7.

The entire set of 12 prints is available for Rs 60,000.

If you would like to purchase the entire set, please email us at with ‘Calendar 2023 Original Artwork’ as the subject line.

Price is inclusive of GST.

Customers outside India may purchase each limited-edition print for US$150.

The entire set is available for US$1,200.

Please email us at with ‘Calendar 2023 Original Artwork’ as the subject line so that we can process your international order. 

ISBN: OGCalendarArt2023
Size: 12" x 12"
Format: Digital print on archival paper
Publication Year: January 2023
Rights: India
Bulk Pricing: From 2 to 0 -- Discount per item (0%)


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